Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ben Walks!

We have a very proud little toddler in our house!  It started last week when he figured out how to stand up all by himself in the middle of the room, then he began extending his steps beyond the few he had been able to do.  Now he toddles around like a little penguin, walking from person to person or object to object, touching "base" as he goes, to steady himself.  I just love the grin of delight and look of pride on his face as he accomplishes this new feat!
I have been trying to put together some video of his adventures in walking, but it is often made difficult by my technologically passionate son who wants to play with the camera as soon as I bring it out.  Despite that, I have managed a few videos, so enjoy watching the progress of our new grown up little boy!

First attempts....

Figuring it out.....

Big time walker!  Watch out world!

And here are a few pictures of the last week or so.  I have been working on a mural at a friend's house that I have finally finished, we have been playing, baking and loving family time.  Ben and Nala (my sister's dog) have become like siblings which can be good that they play together, but bad because they constantly pester each other.  Ben whacks on Nala or grabs her tail or taunts her with his toys and Nala licks his face and tries to grab his ball/toy/food or playfully mouth his hand.  I have caught myself more than once saying "Kids!  Knock it off!"  Never a dull moment around here!  Good thing I love them both!

Now that Wes can sit up all by himself with tipping over, the boys sometimes play side-by-side....soon we will be trying to keep them out of trouble with each other I am sure!

"I love you, cousin!"

A fun gift from a friend: a Cozy Coupe--Ben loves it!  Although he hasn't quite mastered moving it by walking his feet on the ground like you are supposed to. A few times I have found him sliding off the seat and under the car!

He REALLY loves it when Grandpa does all the steering and driving!