Friday, July 29, 2011

Celebrating Family

At the beginning of July my sister Jenny, brother-in-law Drew and nephew Wes came to visit us for a week and a bit.  It was a wonderful time filled with hang out time, kid playtime, baby holding time, lots of eating times and exploring times.  My sister and I both love to cook and are infamous for our stacks of new recipes at our individual homes that we are planning to try.  So when we get together, the stacks merge and we plan our days, not by the activities we want to do with the family, but by the recipes we have to try and fit in.  Literally.  We have to try and squeeze the recipes into the time we have...that's how many we have, and we even had to trim it down to the "essentials" that must be tried. :)  Needless to say, no one else complains when we take on these tasks because it usually means some good eats!
The food was wonderful, but even more was the time spent together, holding Wes and marveling at his cuteness and seeing him and Ben together and just getting to be family.  Here is our time together in pictures.....

"Here, let me help you play with that."

sisters at the grill....yes, another new recipe

a perfect evening in Washington...lingering outside with family under blue skies with 70 degree weather and the smell of the grill on the air....perfect

"This is such a GREAT walk!  This is such a GREAT stroller!  This is such a GREAT day!"

bit of a size difference

Wes' smile is contagious and addicting.  Once you have figured out something to make him smile and/or coo you are compelled to keep it going as long as you can.  He is a delightful little guy with such an easy-going temperament.  He and Ben couldn't be more different.  In fact, I often saw Wes looking at Ben when Ben was being cranky, talkative, crying, etc. with this look like "Why are you SO loud?"

King Wes of the Bumbo

Ben is actually bigger than Wes AND the Bumbo put together!

Edmonds farmer's market with Jen and Mom and I.  Flowers, fresh kettle corn, local wonderfully ripe fruit, and a hodge-podge of other fun goodies.....what a wonderful day!

can't beat that view!

I know I am related to him and am a rather prejudiced Auntie, but seriously, isn't he ADORABLE?!!

"Isn't this fun, cousin?!  We get to share the backseat together!"

Yes, he is a ham through and through.

Birthday present from Uncle Drew and Aunt Jenny--loads of fun!  Ben gained his right of passage with this toy--playing in only his diaper with MAN tools. :)

Yes, we are cruel mothers and dressed our sons in matching outfits. 

Oh my goodness, I can't ever get enough of that grin!

Dude, you're in my space.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th, Happy Freedom, and Happy Independence in our Deliverer who gives us ultimate freedom in Him!

We had a wonderful picnic with friends yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed being surrounded by sun, food, and lots of little kids!  We have come to that stage in life when most of our friends have little ones and it is such a busy, but wonderful stage to share in the growing and raising of children together. 

Ben had so much fun being in the midst of the fun, going from lap to lap of his "adoring fans" :).  It brings delight to my heart to watch him share his giggles and smiles and quirky personality with others. 

Here are some highlights of the day.....

beautiful day in a beautiful park!

Ben loves his Sarah...might be his first little crush :)

loved his expression - he is a bit of a clown and was definitely getting a laugh

Paul, Beth and Kaitlyn Bomar - Kaitlyn is only 3 days younger than Ben and it has been so much fun to watch them grow up together

Eva and Claire "playing" ball together- neither ever actually threw it to each other or caught it, but at least they were happy!

Ben likes to give "kisses", which are given with gusto, wide open mouth, and lots of wet tongue :)

darling little of the cutest little girls I have ever known!

our friends' daughter Olivia wanted Ben to sit on her lap...she was quite taken with him and it seems she left Ben speechless! (hard to do by the way!)

some crafty fireworks pinwheels I attempted--turned out pretty cute!