I look at these pictures and all I can do is smile, and thank the Lord for such sweet blessings as our precious family. What joy He has filled our home with.....it really is a wonderful life being mom and wife!
We have a picture of Jenny and I doing this very thing as little girls. Hopefully they will be best buds like we are! |
Ben and "Gamma" (and yes, those are my sunglasses) |
Family dinner with Uncle Steve and Aunt Sara from CA |
We visited the children's museum with the boys and they had a blast at all the exhibits |
the little boys converged on "Gampa" like little birds begging for bites of ice cream... |
...which of course he couldn't resist! |
hanging out with our Life Group....Ben found some tools (his new love in life) and was having SO much fun...it was a bit traumatic having to say goodbye to them at the end of the night! |
A boy and his tools...a match made in heaven! |
Marie, me, Sarah B. and baby Summer |
We babysat a friend's little girl and Ben was a big helper, wanting to feed her the whole bottle all by himself. Hopefully this bodes well for when baby sister shows up! |
newest silly face! |
wonder where he learned it from? |
Ben's newest acquisition, and love of his life: power drill. (He refers to it...and any tool-ish toy as "too" since he can't say his "L" sounds yet.) It goes with us everywhere, he uses it to "fix" EVERYTHING, and when he can't find something to stick it on or into he just waves it around in a general "fixing" of anything in the world that is broken. It is an emotional parting from "too" whenever he has to eat or sleep, but it is a sweet reunion when he can have it again! |
Ben loves to hug and kiss baby Megan ("bebe"). We talk about her all the time and he gets excited to point out her room and her things and fondly hug my belly often. |
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