Here are just a few pics that I downloaded quickly to tide you over til I can do a full post....hopefully tomorrow. Being away from the blog for this long means lots and lots of photos and video, so hang on....they're comin'!
These two have so much fun playing together. Now that Megan is such a confident stable walker, they love to chase and wrestle and play all the time....though there are often squeals and squawks from TOO much "love" :). |
We started homeschool pre-school and it has been so much fun getting to experience the joys of new learning and discovery with Ben. Sometimes we partner up with Jen and Wes and get to have friends when we do our school. |
We saw a firefighter outside on the street one day so Ben had to grab his hat and cape (didn't you know that firefighters wear capes?!), boots, a stick (for his axe) and a "mask" (which was really just the plastic packaging from a toy, but he walked around breathing into it and "saving" us all morning! |
Ben is IN LOVE with baseball. He wants to play it all the time, talks about it, reads our two baseball books over and over and over again (so now we all have them memorized)--and he is actually really good at hitting with the bat and catching and running the bases! |
Megan turned one and we finally have girly toys in the house! And it didn't take her long to figure out how to walk with a purse (and a little strut!). |
Happy 1st Birthday Megan! |
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