Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cherishing Moments

I have heard it said, for young mothers, "the days are long but the years are fast".

It is easy to get entrenched in the dailies of life...the diapers (I am SO ready to not have two in diapers!), the never-ending cycle of dishes, the constant mess that needs to be cleaned up (a.k.a. my home), the disciplining (such an always sort of thing).  I get so task minded, focused on the problems, and downright weary that I forget to look up.  I forget to see Him hand-delivering joy into my day through little things that often pass unnoticed and unappreciated.

My children are growing up before me, too quickly most days (though there are the days when I silently beg Ben to grow up just a little more than he is so we can get through whatever meltdown has befallen us).  If I just "get through the day", long for the next stage, plan for next month or year....then what happens to today?  He gave me today as a gift to enjoy, and to thank Him for, and I don't want to waste it.
I believe He loves to delight us with His presence, to surprise us with His goodness, and to share wonder with us.  I want to cultivate the practice of noticing Him in my day, in my kids, in the world He has placed me in.  So I am taking the time to stop, notice, and cherish.  Here are some delights He has given me lately:
  • exuberant early morning greeting from my daughter: screech of delight, and energetic toe touch as if to say "Yay!  You're here!"
  • long lanky tow-head wrapping arms and legs around me in a full body hug and sighing with contented happiness
  • Ben holding his cousin's hand and saying "Wes is my friend".
  • Dark chocolate pudding pie with a pillowy dollop of fresh whipped cream and luscious raspberry sauce dripping over the
  • contagious 2 year old laughter
  • little sister giggling with joy over goofy brother antics
  • warm crusty bread straight out the oven, oozing with cheese and pesto
  • family evening of roasting marshmallows outside: smoky air, talking, laughing, sticky hands, chocolate rimmed mouths....loving every minute
  • a shared look with John after an adorable kid moment that says without speaking, "this is pretty incredible, this life we have here, and I am so glad I get to do it with you".

This is what hanging out looks like in our house :)

This says it all--Ben loves to make people laugh, Megan loves to laugh and LOVES her brother.....and pretty much anything he does to show her attention, even if it is showing off his ridiculously long tongue.

Yes, he is wrapped around each and every one of those drool soaked fingers. :)

Playing with friends at a birthday party

There was cake....

....he was excited....

...and it was GOOD!

Ben's very first roasted marshmallow experience!  Big moment for me and my boy! (Ben is sporting what he calls his "top hat", which is really a pink tupperware.  And because I love my son, I let him wear it, though not in public :).

Oh yesssss!

1 comment:

  1. Todd and I do that often - those knowing glances where life just feels incredible because our baby giggled for the first time or Tommy told a silly joke. We look at each other and it's the same thing...I love doing life with you and this is amazing right? (o:

    Also - Have you read 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Reading that really changed my perspective and almost gave me a new set of eyes to see life with. Makes me slow down and enjoy the little moments I might miss if my heart wasn't ready for those snippets of beauty.

    Love seeing your beautiful kiddoes grow up!!
