Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

The house is quiet...those rare few hours at night after the chaos of the day and I am sorting through the 1500+ photos (no joke) that I have taken since my last blog post.  My screen is scrolling through so many memories and smiles and giggles and precious moments that we have shared in, in the last few months and it almost overwhelms me.  Partly because I have to actually choose which ones to show, but mostly because I am so amazed at the abundance of blessings our gracious God has lavished on us.  A beautiful home, my whole family living within 10 minutes of us, health (well, does 2 months of cyclical colds and viruses still count as health?), financial security, an amazing husband who is the love of my life and delights in being a dad, and two incredible, exhausting, challenging and wonderful children.
The day will start again tomorrow, usually before I am ready for it, and I will be holding, wiping, hugging, feeding, tickling, running, guiding, disciplining and loving those wiggly wonderful bodies all over again.  And it, like everyday, will be brimming with the noise and busyness of this season of life with littles.  It is why I have so many pictures, and such long stretches between sharing them.  But what a fantastically, exhaustingly, marvelous life and purpose He has given me.  Enjoy with me some of my favorites parts.....

please tell me I am not the only one whose house looks like this....without even trying!

My dear friend Sarah Bowman blessed us with a photoshoot for Megan--she takes amazing photos and Megan just sparkled, like she always does!

Megan loves anything with a face--a photo, a puzzle, a stuffed animal and people.  She will get really close and peer at it and coo and talk animatedly.  Any stuffed animal gets a hug and snuggle from her and she will wrap her arm around it and hold it close to her neck while walking around.  She is most definitely our social one!

Ben and the Hat Trifecta! (Top hat on top of a cowboy hat on top of a ball cap)

you know too much laundry has built up when you can hide a child in it

Sweet baby Kenzie Anne--my new niece!

I absolutely love this photo because it totally captures each of the kids and their unique personalities.

so much fun....until cleanup time.....puff paint is NOT easy to wash off!
my little sous chef!


just like Daddy....little bit of hero worship goin' on here

Ben and his buddy Jack

We LOVE Lego minifigures at our house (Lego Guys, as Ben calls them).  They are an ever present presence on our counters, beds, in our cushions, in my purse and underfoot.  But Ben loves playing with them and regularly makes up stories with them and changes all their parts up to make new people....of course the favorites are the baseball guys and anyone with a cool hat. :)

The original baseball outfit (piece of wood trim as a bat, sock over his hand as a glove, styrofoam craft ball as a baseball)....we have now upgraded to legit pieces, but either way, he says "I am a baseball guy who plays baseball!"

We have a walker!  Megan took her first steps right before turning 10 months and is so confident now that she loves to run and be chased all the time.

Don't know what I love more--Megan using the knob handle on a puzzle piece as a makeshift pacifier, or John's grin at her antics. :)

classic family photo....2 out of 4 looking at the camera isn't great, but it's realistic!

toothy cheeser grin! 

Had to include these photos of our tree out front.  Takes my breath away every fall looking at this brilliant yellow explosion in my front yard!

Every girl needs a tutu.....and a prince :)

Pops and Gran came for a visit for Megan's birthday, and even though she had croup and an ear infection for her birthday, she was adorable and fell for her Pops (I think it was mutual).

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It has begun.....phone obsession

Family birthday dinner....a week late, once everyone was well

cake smash!

Yay!  A girl cousin!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Here are just a few pics that I downloaded quickly to tide you over til I can do a full post....hopefully tomorrow.  Being away from the blog for this long means lots and lots of photos and video, so hang on....they're comin'!

These two have so much fun playing together.  Now that Megan is such a confident stable walker, they love to chase and wrestle and play all the time....though there are often squeals and squawks from TOO much "love" :).

We started homeschool pre-school and it has been so much fun getting to experience the joys of new learning and discovery with Ben.  Sometimes we partner up with Jen and Wes and get to have friends when we do our school.

We saw a firefighter outside on the street one day so Ben had to grab his hat and cape (didn't you know that firefighters wear capes?!), boots, a stick (for his axe) and a "mask" (which was really just the plastic packaging from a toy, but he walked around breathing into it and "saving" us all morning!

Ben is IN LOVE with baseball.  He wants to play it all the time, talks about it, reads our two baseball books over and over and over again (so now we all have them memorized)--and he is actually really good at hitting with the bat and catching and running the bases!

Megan turned one and we finally have girly toys in the house!  And it didn't take her long to figure out how to walk with a purse (and a little strut!).

Happy 1st Birthday Megan!