December was a wonderful month, full of childlike wonder from Ben as he discovered all the fun and excitement of the season. We celebrated Christmas with my family the week before Christmas since we had travel plans over the holidays. Delicious food, special family time, cute kids, special presents, and precious family traditions in celebration of the incredible miracle of Christmas.
Ben's new fun activity is trying on our shoes. He loves trying to get both feet in and walk around-he gets this adorable smile and looks so proud of himself. |
Ben got so excited about the tree and presents-he even helped open his own presents. |
Ben's two favorite presents this year were his broom and his Dirt Devil. Yes, our son got cleaning supplies for Christmas. He LOVES his broom--he carried it around all day (and most days since then), I thought he was going to take it to bed with him. When I get out the big broom, he gets his out and he "helps" me. |
"You're looking a little dirty, Wes, let me help you with that." |
We have this special Christmas tradition where we light a large candle that represents Christ, then each member of the family lights their candle from the Christ Candle and says a short prayer or something they are thankful for to the Lord. It is my most favorite part of Christmas morning. This year Ben was enamored with the candles and just gazed at them. He was so disappointed when we blew them out that we had to light them again! |
We sang Christmas carols and Ben just admired the lights :) |
Wes has the most adorable smile! |
Adorable cousins in red plaid--oh my melty Momma heart! |
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