Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bring on the food!

In celebration of Ben's 5 month birthday, we broke out the oatmeal cereal instead of cake and had a little fun!

The bib, the face, the high chair....all a little worse for the wear and covered in a layer of oatmeal mush.....but the little boy....happy as can be!!

Most of the cereal came out and gave him a nice oatmeal beard, but he sure did love the experience and would get fussy when I didn't give him the next bite fast enough!  We paid for our fun activity the next morning as we changed one, then two, then three diapers in a row, but despite it all, we are doing it again today!

Here are some photos and video of the fun:

Oh what fun we have ahead!.....sweet potatoes, peas, applesauce...oh yeah, and the diapers. :(


  1. How cute!!!! I love the second clip - he's like, "Give me more mom!!!" Oh baby food - a fun and exhausting phase. Have fun! I think I still have sweet potatoes crusted to a few things around my house. (o:

  2. Oh my gosh...this reminds me so much of Bella when she first had rice cereal...I couldn't get it in there fast enough...but half of it would just come right back out and down the face. =)
