Friday, January 10, 2014



Family Thanksgiving
Megan's first time to see the tree--she was ecstatic!

Megan gets so excited about little babies--especially her cousin!

Gingerbread cookie making with cousins

Ben and Wes and black hats..just three pics of many of these silly boys having fun

yeah, there was a bit of a sugar high after this...

Christmas part with our Life Group--Nick and Sarah led carols and Ben's favorite part was Sarah's Santa hat

Love our Life Group!  Awesome group of friends!

Megan was just giddy with the delight of having people all around all giddy that she started posing on Nick's guitar case :)

 Christmas in Texas....

One of the highlights of the trip for the kids was the two cats--Ben would pet them....Megan chased, cornered and screeched at them with excitement, then looked surprised when they bolted

My sweet friends--prayer partners from years ago-Katy, Elizabeth, Jenny and Sylvia
Cousins Garrett and Hayden--these boys had tons of fun and Ben had stars in his eyes for his cousins--so great to see them play together

Christmas Day--my sweet boy trying to smile while he had a fever and bronchitis....quite the Christmas present

Christmas explosion!

One of Ben's favorite presents-a baseball was several days before he would take it off!

Ben fell in love with Pops' Christmas trains

"Christmas morning" with my family (on New Year's Day :)


Reading the Christmas story and candle tradition

Second favorite gift--T-ball set.  It has definitely been a baseball Christmas!