Because my children say these funny things and it always happens on the fly, and life is such a blur these days, I have a stack of post it notes on the counter to write down these funny quotes and then I stuff them in their baby books with this grand intention of transcribing them in there someday. Someday. But for now, I will gather up some of the best ones and share them with you, along with some of the recent funny pictures and videos we have taken. Because sometimes...well, EVERYDAY, we need to laugh!
Here are some old ones from Ben:
(2 yrs. 9mo old)
He tooted and then looked at me with surprise and said "I burped in my pants!"
(3 yrs)
At bedtime, when trying to delay going to sleep: "Daddy, I gotta do some emails."
(3 yrs)
He started talking about something and we looked at him in confusion and he said (as if in explanation) "That's a George episode."
(3 yrs 6 months)
Mom: "Did you eat your pretzel?"
Ben: "Yep, I put it away in my tummy."
(3 yrs 6 months)
I was trying to get him to sing a song, and partway through he says "Maybe it's time to be all done with that."
(3 yrs 9 months)
Another bedtime excuse: "My head is too tired, so I can't lay it down."
(3 yrs 9 months)
Ben: "Did you know my eyebrow is kind of loose?"
Mom: "It is? Why?"
Ben: "Because I chewed too many times. And my teeth might pop out.
In my dream I chewed a tree....and the leaves tasted kind of buzzy, because of the yellow jackets."
(3 yrs 9 months)
Mom: "Ben, do you want to learn how to cook yummy food when you grow up?"
Ben: "No, I might want to be a Daddy."
(Apparently that is an evaluation of the roles played out in OUR house!)
(4 yrs)
Ben: "When I get hungry, Jesus gives me some food to eat."
Mom: "What kind of food does He give you?"
Ben: "Watermelon and peanut butter and jelly sandwich." (His favorite foods)
Mom: "That sounds like lunch."
Ben: "And 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread."
(4 yrs)
Another comment at bedtime, as Daddy was trying to leave the room: "Wait, wait, wait, Daddy! I have more words!"
And just today:
He sneezed and then said: "I forgot to say 'achoo' when I sneezed!"
On the way home from church while eating snacks: "Mommy, I am kind of allergic to yucky things." (Apparently he wasn't too fond of the snack I offered. :) )
We do costumes in our house. ALL. THE. TIME. Sometimes it is full fledged costumes with all the accessories, and sometimes it is just random things that get thrown together. Ben LOVES to dress up and we rarely go anywhere without some accessory or costume being donned. Megan is now catching the dress up fever and loves to take part as well. I have to say, it is a lot of fun, and once you get past the stares and funny looks as you walk through the grocery store with your son in full fireman getup, it brings a lot of smiles and joy to the day. I kind of live vicariously through him, because when else can you go to the grocery store dressed in a construction hat, swim goggles, a duck whistle and a sword and have it be totally cool?
Here are some of Megan's funnies:
Ben came up to me, having created this combo all by himself and said, "Look, Mommy! I am a fighter pilot!" Not sure where he is getting his source from, but I give him points for creativity!
Showing off some muscle.....bad guys beware!
Some families read books or play games together in the evening.....we have zerbit parties.