You probably thought I had forgotten how to post, and frankly, it did escape my attention for....I am embarrassed to say...a year! But, today, in honor of my Grandma's birthday, I am posting pictures again.
This is for you Grandma, because the best gift I could give you is getting to see your family. :) I love you!
We had a wonderful summer filled with so many great memories! This was 4th of July with friends and fireworks. |
This is one of our favorite spots to visit in the summer - Mukilteo Lighthouse beach and park. Usually it means s'mores with friends and playing in the water, and always a beautiful view! |
Our little princess who loves to dress like one! |
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Family hike |
We got to go do tide-pools with our school group in one of many park dates that was planned. The kids were unsure at first but warmed up to it after getting to see crabs and sea anemones. |
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Aunt Lauren and Uncle Sean came to visit and we took them to San Juan Island for a fun day out seeing the Pacific Northwest. |
Megan got to take a gymnastic class this summer and absolutely loved it! |
We knew she had good balance, but I was so surprised to see HOW good she was at coordination, jumping, tumbling and just pure strength. I think this may be her "thing"! She lit up whenever we were at class and I think we may need to repeat this experience! |
At our church summer picnic Ben got to have his face painted....a cheetah, his favorite animal right now. |
Berry picking with cousins and Grandma! |
This picture says it all.....the boys coming up with some goofy idea, the girls looking on with either curiosity or bewilderment.....sometimes they join in, but this day they decided being bucket heads wasn't the best idea. |
Buddies! |
Ben turned 6 this summer! He picked Wild Kratts as the theme of his party. It is his favorite show and is all about animals and creature facts and discovery. It was Ben's first "friend party" and it was such a hit! We met at a park and did tons of games, prizes and treats and had SO much fun! On the way home Ben kept telling me all the things he loved about his party. Then after a quiet moment he said "I love you Mommy!!" I think it meant so much to him to be a big boy and have such a bid deal of a party. :) |
Lots of Star Wars gifts this year for Ben! This flight suit he is wearing was the exact thing that John wanted as a kid, but they weren't available. He even wrote to the toy company asking them to make it for him. The company actually wrote back and said they didn't think anyone would buy it. Now as an adult, John's childhood dream came true as he got to put it on his son! |
Family trip to the zoo with friends |
My goofball. Honestly, this is (and more similar ones) are the faces I get more often these days when the camera comes out. :) |
One of our fun school projects: a Lego volcano! |
Another fun school group outing to Jetty Island for fun in the sun and water! |
My little monkey! She scaled the ropes to the top in a few seconds with no hesitation and is so confident up high and on top of things! If it can be climbed, she is on it! |
My brave boy got up there too - he is getting so much better at trying new things! |
Meggie got her first cookbook and thrilled me to pieces at how excited she was to not only get it, but read through the WHOLE thing like a story! We got to the end and she said "Mommy, let's start from the beginning again!!" |
The first thing she wanted to make was blueberry lemon parfaits. I let her do everything and she just loved being the chef and having Mommy be her helper! |
We served the finished product to the boys and had a wonderful treat! |
Ice cream treat when we went to visit my dear friend Laurie and her boys in Lynden. |
How did she get this big?! The braids are just so incredibly cute and I love that she is letting me do things with her hair more often. |